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Course Redesign

Introducing RA into a course takes intentionality and work.  Trying one thing at a time and doing it really well allows for growth and getting the metacognitive conversation started well are good things to remember.

Norm setting and creating a safe personal and social dimension in your classroom are wonderful first steps.

When introducing RA and metacognition to students, it may be very helpful to talk about literacy and empowerment.

Day Two

Course redesign takes time.  Allow yourself to try out one thing at a time.  Refer to Day Two: p.15-17 in your binder for an example of a redesigned course.


Reading for Understanding: 

  • Norm setting - 58-65

  • Scaffolding Academic Conversation - 66-67

  • Metacognitive Bookmark to scaffold student-to student conversation roles - 106

  • Reciprocal Role Cards - 228-230

Guiding Questions

  1. How can you bring in student generated norm setting, personal reading history, and/or a living reading strategies list in a way that supports the content and thinking of your discipline? (personal dimension)

  2. How can you create a safe atmosphere in your classroom? (social dimension)

  3. How can you scaffold student reading so that students are more equipped to attack a reading with discipline appropriate strategies? (cognitive dimension)

  4. How can you ensure that course goals are explicit for students so that they can make smart, informed moves toward those course goals? (knowledge building)

  5. How can you make sure your changes are sustainable and not overwhelming for you? (sanity building)

Am I doing all of the 12 steps right?!!!

Wait... Am I sober? Yes!

Phew!  I'm good!


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