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Richard Abdelkerim

Richard visually introduced the idea of dot plots and then challenged the participants to carry out their own surveys and make a dot plot using the people in the room.  Then they could post their dot plot to instagram.

What did you get from Richard's Lesson?

"He showed a common mistake by having us think about and reflect whether we had asked the same question to the same person twice.  Normally we would say, 'This is a common mistake.'  But this time, we said, 'Oh!  I may have a mistake!'  We learned the common mistake by doing"

"There were time constraints, so it felt like this urgent thing and I had to ask, 'Ok, what are we doing?' and get started right away."

"I don’t know what he did, but it was really easy to follow directions.  I really want to know how he did that.  He showed a model of the outcome first --- he showed the dot plots first."

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